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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery



Our children start F1 and F2 with significantly lower vocabulary than expected and poor reading/phonics ability. We therefore tailor our curriculum to these lower starting points and ensure opportunities are provided to accelerate progress for all groups of learners.  


Our key aim is for all children will learn to be confident and creative writers through an engaging, knowledge rich curriculum and able to utilise their writing skills to support them with accessing the secondary curriculum. Accurate use of grammar and use of language will be evident in writing that has a clear audience, purpose and form. Teachers will reactivate prior learning and model writing before children practise writing independently. 



  • English overview links writing units to the pupils’ vehicles where appropriate providing quality stimulus  

  • Our Writing outcomes are purposeful and can be shared as published pieces.  

  • Each unit has commonalities, such as: a high quality stimulus (text/video); immersion activities; taught ARE grammar skills (supplemented by Rainbow Grammar) and WAGOLLs (What a Good One Looks Like) that demonstrate these skills 

  • Core Texts support learning and help children to make links between learning and explore important themes and ideas  

  • Year groups are exposed to texts from a diverse range of authors to broaden pupils’ opportunities and life experiences. 

  • Teachers use the Progression Overview and English Overview to ensure progression and sequencing is effective  

  • Grammar is taught in context and is planned in as part of the sequence of learning  

  • Children use highlighters to share successes and red pen to indicate editing and improving 

  • Ongoing teacher assessment during lessons through the use marking grids allows teachers to adapt a sequence of lessons and implement post teach sessions  

  • Teachers moderate within school and across the collaboration 

  • SEND pupils are encouraged wherever possible access ARE texts and skills with adaptations included in planning where needed 


Examples of children’s work and displays demonstrate our intent and implementation for all pupils.