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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Physical education


At Sutton Road we recognise that physical activity and sport are essential parts of a child’s everyday life and are a key factor in their future well-being. We want every child to find enjoyment in physical activity and aim to provide them with a wide range of opportunities so that they can discover the right kind of activity for themselves and experience the benefits that an active lifestyle can provide.

We aim to engage our pupils within PE, as a school we want to continue to build and improve our competition offer, to help break down barriers that some children face when engaging in sporting competition. Within this, we aim to improve the understanding of diversity within PE. We aim to deliver workshops based around different groups of people, showing how successful people can be regardless of race, gender etc.


Ate Sutton Road we use a tool called PE Hub which is used as a planning tool to ensure that we deliver P.E lessons which incorporate all the elements of a high-quality P.E lesson.

Each area of P.E is taught in blocks of 6 lessons which are both progressive and engaging, these start in reception (F2) all the way up to Year 6. PE is taught twice weekly, within Key stages 1 and 2, where a positive attitude to PE is created and expectations reinforced that all children can achieve success in PE. 

The subject is delivered both by sports coaches and by teachers who are non-specialists, but a number of staff members are experienced in a range of sports and we value staff CPD opportunities as a key part of the ongoing progression of the subject.Our curriculum is mapped to ensure all staff in have access to a coach for at least one full term.

Our Work with External agents

As part of staff CPD and experience for pupils, we work with a sports coach from All About Fitness who works with both children and staff.

We also work very closely with Nottingham Forest Primary Stars coaches who work alongside teachers as part of their CPD. The Nottingham Forest coaches also deliver reading, English and maths interventions and run after-school clubs.

We work alongside Mansfield Town Football Club who deliver coaching and fundraising opportunities for the school and also work in the community including us in events that they plan.

We have joined the Mansfield School Sports Partnership to access a range of different competition types ranging from personal best festivals to competitive games. We have set up matches with local schools and aim to host as many of these as possible. We have also joined a local league for year 5/6 football.

To support diversity in sport, we paired up with Nottingham Forest Primary League Stars to deliver collapsed curriculum days looking at rainbow laces, mental health, International Women's Day, show racism the red card and becoming an ally in sports.

Pupil Voice & Leadership

We have set up two crews: Sports Ambassadors and the PE crew. Both groups meet every week. Our Sports Ambassadors plan and deliver daily lunchtime activities. Our PE Crew works alongside a coach and the PE leaders to plan and deliver events and activities in school. They also take part in monitoring activities.


We are incredibly proud to be the first school in our area to gain the Platinum Sports Award. 


PE Crew

Our PE Crew are a group of Year 5 children who meet weekly with our sports coach Megan to plan, design and organise sporting events across school. They also discussed and covered the impact of collapsed curriculum days based on diverse groups in sport.

This week the PE Crew designed and made posters to advertise our upcoming sports days within school.

Sports Ambassadors

Our Sports Ambassadors are a group of Year 5 and 6 children who plan, design and organise lunchtime games and activities for children to participate in, they will set up the games and deliver them to children who choose to take part in, the games cover different sports, active challenges and teamwork.


Our children are more aware of diverse groups within sports. They understand that racism is not acceptable and know that speaking up can help minority groups. They are aware of achievements women have made in sports and know that sports like football, are not just ‘men’s sports’.  

Active 60

Pupils at Sutton Road have opportunities to be active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day, which according to the DfE is the recommended time for pupils. This is extended to 60 physical minutes for the hours out of school. Therefore, pupils are encouraged to be active out of P.E curriculum time and staff plan in opportunities for active tasks within lessons for lessons, brain breaks as well as active playtimes and lunchtimes. Opportunities for pupils to apply skills learnt in their lessons are available at playtimes.

Let's Get Moving challenges for children nd families to take part in on social media - with prizes for the children who achieve their goals. 



Sutton Road Primary School are proud of our children and the number of them who chose to represent the school in sporting competitions and events. 

Take a look at our First PE Newsletter. 

 PE Newsletter 2023


Here is just a flavour of what some of our children have been up to this year.

Staff v Children Football match

Mansfield Town Football Club - Penalty Shoot Out 

Sport Competitions

After School Clubs

We have a number of sporting clubs that take place after school, these are both provided by experts in their field, sports coaches and school staff. 

These have included:

  • Football Club
  • KS1 and KS2 Judo
  • Dance
  • Tri-Golf
  • Rounders
  • Change4Life Club

We are always on the lookout for new opportunities and endeavour to bring a range of opportunities to our children - for more information contact the school office or take a look at the clubs page on our website.

Pilot Projects

Year 5:

We have teamed up with National Rail and Mansfield Football Club in order to deliver rail safety workshops to year 5 through the power of sport. As part of this project, we have been involved in the interviewing and hiring process of artists to create and designing artwork which will be painted onto our local rail station.

We have been on trips to the Mansfield Football Club where we looked at what it means to be safe on the railway. Additionally, we have received free tickets to travel to Creswell so that the children can apply their knowledge of safety as well as broadening their experiences as some of our children will not have experienced travelling on a train.