F1 (Nursery)
Welcome to F1 (Nursery)
Mrs Bower F1 Teacher |
Mrs Barton F1 TA |
Miss Russon F1 TA |
Learning in F1:
The EYFS Curriculum is delivered over a two-year cycle with cycle A (2023-2024) and cycle B (2024-2025).
Cycle A
In the first half of the Autumn term, the children begin with a Vehicle titled Who am I? Who are you? This is where the children explore the key themes of similar and different. Children receive a visit from an alien planet where they must inform them all about themselves.
Moving onto the second part of the Autumn term, EYFS explore a Curriculum Vehicle known as ‘Belonging.’ This is where the children explore the key themes of now, then and family. Children will celebrate the traditions and cultures of the other children in their class with a cultural celebration party and a Bonfire party as part of Forest School.
After Christmas, the focus will move onto space with a Vehicle called ‘Look up!’ enabling the children to explore key themes such as light, dark, day and night. The children will meet the alien again from Autumn 1 and inform him about what they have discovered.
In Spring 2, EYFS will develop a knowledge of Farm to Fork with a focus on the themes of animals and food. This learning will conclude with a family BBQ where children will serve food.
Moving into the summer term, the Curriculum Vehicle will be based on ‘Journeys’ delivered through the themes of place, travel, hot and cold. The children will produce a vehicle to travel around on a journey.
In the final half of the summer term in EYFS, children will study a Vehicle called ‘Safe and Well’ allowing them to learn through the themes of healthy and life.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
This area has three smaller sections. These are Making Relationships, Self-confidence and Self-awareness and Managing Feelings and Behaviour. This area focuses on children learning how to work, play, co-operative with others and function in a group beyond the family.
Communication and Language (C and L)
This area has three smaller sections. These cover Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking. These outcomes cover important aspects of language development and provide the foundations for literacy. Early Years at Sutton Road places a strong emphasis on children’s developing competence in speaking and listening and Understanding. During literacy sessions, there is always a strong emphasis in lessons planned in promoting communication and language by encouraging children to share their ideas and opinions and by saying out loud what they want to write prior to writing.
Physical Development (PD)
This area covers both fine and gross motor development and keeping healthy. In order to achieve this as well as weekly PE sessions children are encouraged to use the outdoor environment as much as possible and Forest school sessions are planned to support this. Weekly child-initiated activities are planned to develop and support fine motor development. We also do lots of work around healthy eating and looking after ourselves.
Maths is split into Number and Shape, Space and Measures learning. Maths is taught on a daily basis at Sutton Road during small group activities as well as being intrinsic to daily continuous provision. CLIC maths sessions are also delivered on a daily basis to ensure children have the opportunity to learn and consolidate key mathematical concepts and develop key skills.
CLIC MATHS – This session is taught daily to all children in EYFS and the children focus on learning how to recognise, read, write, order and use the numbers from 0-10 and then 0-20. These sessions are fun and practical and involve lots of counting songs such as 5 little ducks and 5 little speckled frogs.
Literacy learning is split into Reading and Writing. Literacy is taught on a daily basis at Sutton Road during small group activities as well as continuous provision. Children have regular opportunity to explore and understand a range of genres and are challenged to create their own stories and adventures through both written, drama and spoken activities. Children are read with individually on a regular basis to enable them to learn and practise strategies taught. Phonics plays a big part in this area and the ability to blend for reading and segment for spelling are skills that are taught daily in the Foundation Stage at Sutton Road Primary and Nursery School.
Phonics – Phonics is taught daily in EYFS and the children in Nursery learn a new sound each week and in F2 the children learn 4 new sounds a week. We use Monster Phonics to support teaching and learning and materials to support this learning can be found on Sutton Road Primary and Nursery - phonics page.
Understanding the World
This covers the subjects Geography, Science, DT, History, RE and Computing. This is a major area of learning and enquiry focusing on children’s developing knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people and features of the natural and man-made world. Weekly Forest School activities provide an opportunity for children to explore, understand and care for their local environment and understand how it differs from the wider world. Opportunity within continuous provision is provided for children to investigate and understand natural objects and develop scientific curiosity and explanation. Key vocabulary and skills are taught during weekly group activities and provide children with the strategies to develop their own natural curiosity. Computing is key at Sutton Road and children have access to a range of technology such as computers, laptops, talking postcards, bee bots etc.
Expressive Arts and Design
This covers art, music, and drama. To ensure a broad range of experiences small group sessions and continuous provision activities are planned on a weekly basis to teach and provide children with skills and opportunity to express themselves creatively in a variety of different ways.