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Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery



At Sutton Road we believe that science is inclusive and fosters curiosity in all children. Our aim is to provide a rich and exciting curriculum in science which challenges, inspires and motivates all children to know more and want to discover more about the ever-evolving world in which they live. We encourage them to think like a scientist through a range of practical experiments and investigations and supplement this with rich texts to deepen their knowledge.

From making them aware of their responsibilities to protect the environment and creatures in it, to growing their sense of curiosity for latest scientific discoveries, we will encourage each child to develop their own lines of enquiry with which to investigate through practical experiments and independent discovery. Hence, they will acquire critical thinking skills to enhance their scientific knowledge and deepen their understanding of our world.

Furthermore, children will be exposed to scientists from a range of backgrounds from around the world. This will inspire the children to see themselves as scientists and continue to hone their scientific skills into secondary school and beyond.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in science, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the school and aligns to the National Curriculum in England. From early years, children are encouraged to lead their own learning and to make their own discoveries through carefully structured lessons and provision within their environment.

In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, we offer the children a wide variety of opportunities to learn through scientific enquiry. Moreover, our planning ensures that the National Curriculum statements link strongly to our vehicles being studied in each year group and the children’s knowledge is built upon throughout their time in primary school.


Examples of children’s work and displays demonstrate our intent and implementation for all pupils.