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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery



Maths incorporates pupils developing soft and employable skills as our overviews enable our children to gain the necessary understanding, skills and knowledge that will empower them to gain the confidence and enjoyment of mathematics.  

We believe that mathematics: 

·        must prioritise fluency so all children can access and develop concepts,  

·        make links to and across the curriculum, where appropriate, and deepen understanding,  

·        embolden children to become problem-solvers,  

·        should provide children with opportunities to reason and think logically. 


In order to instill all of these in each Maths lesson taught, we have an ‘Reactivate, model, practice and independent’ approach to 4 weekly maths lessons. The Reactivate is designed to recap on key maths skills required for the main learning intention. The model section of the Maths lesson is where the teaching demonstrates several examples of the teaching being taught which can include manipulatives and visual representations. The Practice section of the lesson enables children to work alongside the teacher to practice the skills required for the independent task. During the independent part of the lesson children apply the skills they have practiced independently to achieve the learning intention. Adaptations are provided for individuals so that they can achieve the intended learning intention. This could include place value grids, use of manipulatives or templates for working out.  

This is where you can find resources to support your child at home:

Manipulative Videos – these will show you how to use everyday objects to practice key skills.

The Calculation Policy can be found at the bottom of this page and details how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in each year group.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( – If your child is in Year 2-6, they will have a login for this

KS1 Maths - BBC Bitesize – videos and quizzes aimed at children in Year 1-2

KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize - videos and quizzes aimed at children in Year 3-6

Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC – Videos that develop children’s understanding of number. Aimed at Early Years and KS1.


Examples of children’s work and working walls demonstrate our intent and implementation for all pupils.