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Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

modern foreign language





We aim to provide and encourage the opportunity for all children to have the skills required to be a Linguist in KS2. We hope children can discover an interest and demonstrate their talents in Modern Foreign Languages. Learning a foreign language has been proven to improve outcomes across other subjects including mathematics and reading, as well as encouraging a broad-minded attitude towards different cultures and backgrounds.

Through the teaching of French, we aim to inspire a love and curiosity of foreign language in all children and widen their knowledge terms of foreign vocabulary.

We also seek to celebrate the diversity of languages spoken within our school community, recognising the skills and assets children for whom English is an additional language bring to the classroom.


We do this through following a clearly sequenced and progressive programme of study based on the National Curriculum providing children with opportunities to build on prior learning. This programme is called Language Angels.Language Angels provides us with a range of games, songs, stories and props to enable repetition and practice of new vocabulary in interactive and engaging ways. The children can access a broad range of physical and digital resources to engage learners.

Our staff deliver high quality teaching that is appropriately pitched and adapted to children within their class. Children explore the culture by learning about history of French speaking countries and we hold whole school French days to celebrate the subject.


Children at Sutton Road understand the significant of language within culture and history. Children enjoy taking part in lessons and are confident to demonstrate their language skills. 

Children in our school can talk confidently about their learning in MFL.