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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Miss Ballard

5LB Teacher

Miss Cornell

5CC Teacher

Mr Lewis

5BC Teacher

Learning in Year 5

Autumn Term

During the first half of the Autumn term, our Year 5 children will commence a study of World War Two, which will launch with a trip to Perlethorpe Education Centre. This vehicle focuses on the Historical study of the Second World War, its causes, what evacuation was and what impact it had for those at home such as rationing. Furthermore, children will explore the role of Bletchley Park during WW2 and discover the work of Alan Turing. The children will use their developing geographical knowledge and skills to look at the movement of allies during this time and will use world maps to locate counties involved in the war. Additionally, the children will learn about evacuation, the role of women during the war and rationing. They will also investigate the historical and geographical aspects of the Blitz and its impact on London and the human and physical features of the capital city and surrounding counties. The children will use their knowledge of the WW2 to plan and hold a celebratory VE day event and invite residents from a local care home.

In the second half of the Autumn Term, the children will work closely with a local homeless charity during their Curriculum Vehicle called ‘The Gift of Giving’. This Vehicle will enable the children to understand about the community in which they live and the diverse needs and life experiences of people in the local area. The children will use the Design and Technology skills developed in lower key stage 2 to design and create a healthy, nutritious soup which will be given to the homeless of Nottingham. The Year 5 children will also learn about Framework and The Friary and the vital work that these homeless charities do in Nottingham.

Spring Term

During the Spring Term the children will learn through a Curriculum Vehicle titled ‘I’m a Survivor.’ Children will attend a den building workshop with Chris Harman where they will learn about shelters and structures. This learning will support the children with their challenge of rescuing Bear Grylls and his crew who are stranded in Antarctica after an expedition. Using their developing geographical skills, the children will have to plan the journey back across the globe visiting and surviving different biomes, mountain ranges, climates, earthquakes and volcanoes along the way. The children will complete a focused study on South America and will learn about how natural disasters occur and the impact that they have on the surrounding communities. After all of their learning, the children produce a newspaper report reporting to the public about a natural disaster, the impacts and the actions being taken.

Summer Term 

In the first half of the Summer Term, Year 5 will commence a historical study of Ancient Greece. Through this study, the children will learn about Ancient Greek settlements, life in Ancient Greece and the trade links between Ancient Greece and other parts of the world. The children will then look at how these trade links have developed to present day. To support the outcome, children will attend a theatre play to understand how a performance is organised and planned. Following this, children will perform a Greek myth in an auditorium to an audience.

Finally, children will explore a Curriculum Vehicle called Our Earth and Beyond which will be launched with a visit to the Space Centre. Pupils will learn about space, the sun, the planets and the solar system. They will carry out research about the movement of the moon and the Earth. Following this, the children will investigate how we learn about space and the purpose of an Observatory and how they are used to observe and study space as well as  how countries have used this research and travelled to space to explore it further. The children will investigate space travel and the purpose of moon exploration and research into the role of NASA and how they control space buggy’s via computers on Earth (using a Crumble kit). 


  • In their English sessions, children will use quality texts to develop their understanding of writing. They will produce extended written outcomes for a variety of purposes including writing to persuade, entertain, discuss and inform. The children will become more confident at following the writing process of: plan, write, edit and redraft.
  • In Year 5, children will read a range of different genres. They will continue to use their skills of inference of characters' motives and feelings and will start to think about figurative language and how it is used. 
  • Grammar becomes a wider focus in KS2, the children in Year 5 will continue to develop their understanding of a wider range of grammatical concepts such as punctuating using brackets, dashes and commas. For more information on our English curriculum, visit our Curriculum page. 
  • Please view our Reading Spine for Year 5 - In Year 5, the texts in our Reading Spine are used to supplement the children's 'reading diet' and will not all be used as taught texts.  These include a range from picture books, poetry to classical texts. 


In Year 5, children will become much more confident with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to know which one to use in what situation. They will apply their understanding to larger digits and decimals. 
Children will continue to build on their understanding of fractions and make links between fractions, decimals and percentages. Additionally, they will learn to calculate the area and perimeters of different shapes. Children will develop their understanding of how to convert between units of measurement, including imperial to metric measurements. The children will learn to draw and measure angles using protractors. 

If you want to see how Year 5 at Sutton Road are taught to apply different calculation techniques in maths, click here to view videos support guides. 

The Wider Curriculum

We teach our wider curriculum through a mix of discreet (stand-alone) sessions and those taught through the curriculum vehicle. For more information on our Curriculum Offer, please visit our Curriculum pages.