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Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery


The school regularly receives visitors.  Visitors may be from other organisations, or be emergency contacts for pupils, parent/carers or suppliers. 

To ensure the safety of our students and staff we ask visitors to sign in on arrival.  For this purpose, we collect the following data where relevant:

  • Name
  • Car registration
  • Car make/model
  • Who they are visiting
  • The purpose of the visit
  • The date and time of arrival
  • The date and time of departure
  • A digital image of the visitor

The records may also contain special category personal information, for example:

  • Ethnicity (only if determined from the digital image)
  • Religion (only if determined from the digital image)

The school is the data controller for this information.  Data processors support this activity through the provision of systems.  The legal basis we rely on when using this personal information is a Task in the Public Interest as we undertake this activity to maintain a safe environment for our students, staff and visitors. 

We do not share this personal information unless we are required to by law, or where it is necessary to protect others. Including, where requested with the NHS Test and Trace service. For further information about the NHS Test and Trace please follow this link

This information will be retained for a minimum of 7 years from the date of the visit.

General Information

No personal information is routinely available outside of the UK.  Should a transfer of personal information be necessary we will only do so where it is permitted by law and where appropriate safeguards are in place.

For information about your rights in relation to this use of your personal information please see section 5 of our overarching privacy notice.