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Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary School and Nursery

Virtual Mentions

Virtual Mentions for w/e 24/04/2020

It was so hard to choose our Virtual Mentions, there has been so much fantastic work sent in or done at home this week!  We were overwhelmed with choices. A massive well done to every single child and a massive well done to all our parents too! Without your support, Home Learning couldn’t even be a thing. You are all stars.

So, after much deliberation – our mentions winners are:

Nursery – Eleanor

F2 – Freyja

Year 1 – Lyndsey

Year 2 – Noah M.

Year 3 – Leo

Year 4 – Ona

Year 5 – Abigail

Year 6 – Faye​​​​​​​

Very well done all of you!

We hope everyone makes our job even harder next week by sending us even more bits to look through. We have loved seeing them!