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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Home Learning w/b 29.06.20

This week's home learning.

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Here are this week’s weekly learning overview sheets for each year group including a range of activities linked to different curriculum areas. Also check out teams to see some of the videos available!

As with last week, the home learning will have a different key learning focus each week and there is an expectation that this will be completed by the children and returned (via assigned Teams tasks or by emailing completed activities to the class teacher) on or before Sunday, 3rd July 2020.  This week’s key learning is English and there are several linked activities for the children to complete.  For the other activities on the home learning sheets, your child can choose between them or they may decide to complete them all. 

Please see the attached documents or our school website ( ) for full copies of this week’s learning overviews.


Please remember you can email your class teacher at any point during the week to show them what you’ve been up to; ask questions about the key tasks or other activities on the home learning sheets or just to touch base with us.

t for your news story here.