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Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Sutton Road Primary and Nursery

Daily Challenge -Mythical Creature and Bitesize Music​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Creative Challenge - Mythical Creature and BBC Bitesize Music

Today’s challenge is a creative one. Can you make up your own mythical creature?  They might be a combined version of creatures that already exist in mythology or a brand new one. Make a fact file about them. You could add pictures and key information. What do they eat? Where do they live? Do they have any special abilities?

We love how clear the BBC Bitesize Music sessions are. We really like this session that is all about notation. There are lots of fun videos and activities to have a go at on these pages.


It’s finally here! Times Table Rock Stars Battle Final Day. Are you Team 4AB or Team 5AR -